Kansas Task Force Created to Protect Foster Kids

The state of Kansas is finally taking steps to protect children in foster care from unscrupulous contractors. We are Kathey Raskin and Robert Raskin, and we are thrilled that this state is finally stepping up to the plate to regulate their own out-of-control services. Senate Bill 126 will require intensified scrutiny of these contractors, who are charged with caring for children who were not receiving the care they needed while they were in state custody. This is just one step of many that need to be taken, but it is a good start and it shows that these problems are being taken more seriously.


Bill 126

This bill would produce action plans by January of 2018 based on annual reports that are compiled by a specially appointed task force. This is designed to hold the Kansas DCF accountable for the implementation of new laws, which is much-needed in this state, which currently has record-setting high numbers of children who are in state custody. This situation was brought to light after a tragic recent case in which a child in Wyandotte County was murdered by his stepfather and fed to the child murderer’s hogs.


A Big Problem

There have been ongoing issues with the care of approximately 7,000 foster children in the state, and these have intensified in severity and frequency of occurrence over the years. Countless reports have been issued regarding the problems, but too often these end up filed away and sitting on a shelf. This task force will change that, because it will force the DCF to demonstrate that they are applying recent findings and strategies to their broken system and following recommendations that are designed to stop children from being further victimized.


Time for Action

The task force will have 18 voting members, and among them will be individuals who work directly with foster children. Non-voting members of the task force will represent Kansas DCF and contractors who provide both adoption services and foster care. Whether the bill is passed or it will really make a difference in the quality of children’s lives still remains to be seen. We are Robert Raskin and Kathey Raskin, and we are hoping these lawmakers will finally do what they should have been doing all along, and that is to protect children and families from this corrupt system.

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