West Virginia Mother Sues HHS

When a West Virginia girl admitted her father was sexually harassing her, her mother reported it to the West Virginia Health and Human Resources department. It is the department’s duty to protect children when they report abuse, but what did workers do in this case? They decided the girl had been coerced into making false allegations and deliberately presented their theory as fact during the subsequent investigation.

Child protective workers involved in the case claimed to believe the child’s allegations, but they said the opposite in hearings. Well, corrupt workers, which one is it? Do you believe her or do you not? Is it more important to “win” a case than it is to protect a child? That’s what we, Rob and Kathleen Raskin of Las Vegas, Nevada, would like to know.

While it saddens us that this vulnerable child was placed in harm’s way once again thanks to the broken child protection services system, we are happy to see another parent taking the battle to court. The child’s mother, who will remain nameless in this report, is now suing the department and individual workers for violation of due process rights, fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, alleged negligence, and more.

If the statutory purpose, goals, and child protective powers of the agency exist to protect children, then what is the point of the agency’s existence when kids aren’t protected? The system is corrupt, and it needs a complete overhaul. This WV mother is seeking punitive damages and attorney’s fees from the agency and the individuals involved, and we hope she and her children see justice served.


Here’s what one West Virginia whistleblower has to say about CPS corruption.


Here’s an insider’s look at CPS corruption in West Virginia.

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