I last posted about the state of our country because the reason why we’ve made virtually no progress with the corruption of the DHR’s throughout the country is because of what’s occurring within the country.

This is an example of what’s happening now:

*This is a window into the future, all under the guise of cultural diversity. If you live in an area affected by the influx of Muslims, we’d like to hear about it. Please read this and share.

Governor Haslam prepares us for Sharia Law Compliance in Tennessee
This time Governor Haslam brings Shariah Law to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Three curious moves recently to “ready” Tennessee for a perceived infiltration of Sharia law.

The sad fact is that it appears that our country is about to be taken over by force. We will no longer have the protection of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, as the USA will cease to exist as we know it.

Under Sharia law, women and children are just property. They have no rights. And as you can see by the number of Muslim Brotherhood appointees to the government, we’ve certainly been infiltrated from within.

Now this is not to say that we can’t win the war that’s about to be waged against us. We have millions of people in this country that will fight to defend it, and millions of weapons in their hands.

I suggest that you visit, and I suggest that you are prepared to the greatest extent possible.

Weapons, ammo, food, water, radio, etc. Research and find a list of items that you need to have in order to be able to survive if the power grids are shut down and the banks are closed.

If you want further information, please let me know and I will point you in the right direction.

May God look over us and help us to take our country back and restore the morals and values that made America great!

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