Improper Diagnosis of Infantile Rickets Results in Removal of Child

This is just another example of how devastating an improper diagnosis can be and just how difficult it can be to reverse the damage that has been done. Proud parent, Rebecca Wanosik, is fighting to regain custody of all five of her children after a pediatrician misdiagnosed her two month old child as a victim of child abuse.

The series of unfortunate events began with Wanosik taking her daughter, Zeydn to receive medical care for a broken arm and three fractured ribs. The pediatrician failed to properly diagnose Zeydn with infantile rickets and assumed that the child must be a victim of abuse. This false conclusion led to the pediatrician making a call to the state child protection services that removed all of the children from the home and placed the children in foster care.

Desperate for help, Wanosik consulted with endocrinologist, Dr. Michael Holick who concluded that Zeydn suffered from a vitamin D deficiency along with a connective tissue disorder that was responsible for causing the injuries. Now Wanosik must wait on the state’s decision to whether she will be able to regain custody of her children. “Our children have suffered enough, and it is time to rebuild our lives to establish a new sense of normalcy together. It is time to start healing.” Wanosik said.

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