Evidently, Billions of Dollars is worth KILLING over…….

Check out these 2 links and then let me know your thoughts.

Senator Nancy Schaefer, CPS Activist:


Senator Nancy Schaefer – Hero, MURDERED IN HER OWN HOME:

For the record, for those of you who were involved in this murder, ask yourselves how many people you’d have to murder at this point in order to stop the avalanche of folks who are involved at this point of bringing the corrupt, criminal offenders to justice?

Fortunately, we have tens of thousands of folks now involved, including DHR workers themselves, including judges, both state and federal, including supporting cast members, and of course, including thousands of families that have been quietly torn apart throughout the US in return for Federal funds.

Every one of you who are involved in stealing children, scarring them for life and destroying their families should of course all rot in hell.

But for those of you who were involved in the murders of former Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband, one day you WILL get caught, and it will be interesting to see who was actually involved in placing the contract on these fine people who tried to stand up for the atrocities – yes, ATROCITIES, that are being perpetrated EVERY DAY on INNOCENT AMERICAN FAMILIES.

At this point, DHR’s, CPS’s, DYFS’s, and all similar organizations by any other name, should be immediately rendered ILLEGAL and outlawed due to the extensive abuse of the system. It is UNCONSCIONABLE to STEAL CHILD. to PUT THOSE CHILDREN AT RISK, and to DESTROY LIVES, for money. What the hell is the matter with you people?

When Kathey and I had our niece stolen and placed in harm’s way, we had NO IDEA that this was a 15 year old problem, involving hundreds of thousands of families. We had NO IDEA that it was a multi-billion business. We thought our niece’s case was mistreated.

Now, seeing the double murder of a CPS advocate and her husband, IT JUST PISSES US OFF TO NO END!

We’re coming after every one of you bastards, and this time there’s no stopping us. We’ve already spoken and met with Federal Judges, Federal agencies, and there’s NO WAY you can kill us ALL.

So your empire is about to come crashing down, offenders! ASFA, law 105-89, which you somehow twisted to justify the destruction of American families, is our first target. But our second target is criminal prosecutions for the abuse of authority as well as NUMEROUS other offenses.

The Civil Suit will be the BIGGEST CIVIL SUIT IN U.S. HISTORY, representing EVERY FAMILY that lost a child WITHOUT DUE PROCESS whether the child SHOULD or SHOULD NOT have been taken away from the family.

The children placed in Foster Care and/or adopted out are 6-11 times more likely to be abused than if they remained in their own homes, so you’ve accomplished NOTHING by stealing all of these children and placing them in harm’s way except to destroy families and scar children for profit.

Every one of you need to take a look at whatever children or grandchildren or great grandchildren are in your lives, and THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE DONE to all of these FAMILIES throughout the ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, using OUR TAX DOLLARS to become THE ENEMY WITHIN!


We NEVER expected to be a fight of this magnitude, BUT WE SURE DO HAVE THE BALLS FOR IT! So don’t believe murder-suicide this time!


Until Next time,

I’m Rob, and I’m MAD AS HELL!


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