I’ve known Vicki for years!

She is a fierce opponent of the corruption that takes place every day in every state in the nation.

Vicki asks: How many more children must die at the hands of the so called “protectors”. Wake up America! Your children are being sold into slavery and abused and murdered!

Here’s two articles that Vicki posted, so you know that you are not crazy and that you are not alone!

The good fight continues to STOP THE PRACTICE of stealing our children and then using them for ILLICIT PURPOSES on top of it.

People like judge billy jackson at the florence alabama family court, attorney ad litem denise burch of the burch law group in florence alabama, and lauderdale county dhr workers sarah hendershot, nancy buckner, labrisco cook, and patricia miller, and district attorney chris connelly, are just examples of everything that is wrong with our “protective services” throughout the country.

The fact is that they steal our children often for no good reason, telling us that it’s for the child’s own good, and then we never see the child again in many cases. It’s nothing more than kidnapping, it’s totally illegal, and yet it happens every day.

The late Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer spoke out about this for several years before she and her husband were viciously murdered to shut her up, no matter what the media tells you.

On March 5th and 6th 2013, Lawless America bravely and boldly went to Capitol Hill with 750 distressed parents who had lost their children illegally. They hand delivered a CD with over 100 hours of testimony along with a printed package explaining the problems that families today face with regards to “protective services” throughout the country continuing to steal and to sell, rape, murder or commit to a life of porn or prostitution, OUR INNOCENT CHILDREN, all for the almighty dollar.

Out of all of the Congressmen and Senators, NOT ONE OF THEM either showed up for the numerous presentations that Lawless America made, nor did they send even a secretary to give the topic any attention at all.

It is CLEAR that they have NO INTENTION of helping us. So every day, they continue to do whatever they want to do to destroy the lives of our children. And when a parent occasionally snaps and either attacks a cps agent or takes their own life, the media, IF they even cover it, just makes the person sound like a nut and points to the “protective services worker” as obviously making the right choice to remove the child since the parent is “obviously unstable.”

Well, WE ARE NOT UNSTABLE! They are STEALING OUR CHILDREN, they never give them back, and they often use them for TOTALLY ILLICIT PURPOSES!

My wife, Kathleen Raskin, (Some of you know her as Kathey) and I have worked behind the scenes to contact lawyers, judges, aclu, law firms, the FBI, the attorney general, and the governor of Alabama. We’ve sent packages of information to over 40 different people or organizations that we thought would be able to help.

Yet to this day, every day, children in Alabama, throughout the country and throughout the world, continue to be stolen to be used and abused as sick people see fit.

The late Nancy Schaefer summed it up perfectly in one 4 word sentence. She said:

“They need the inventory.”

That’s all our children are to these sick, twisted people. There’s a saying that goes:

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely” and that’s exactly what has happened here.

Kathey and I wish we had better answers for you. We are sick when we hear your stories. We’d love to reach through the phone and make each situation better.

We do know that Shawn McMillan is an attorney in California who is doing some great things there in terms of successfully suing DHR workers directly and winning, but the laws are different there than they are in Alabama.

And we know that there are organizations such as which is run by a former Family Court Judge who resigned from the bench to help us to achieve justice.

But for the most part, world wide, there is much to do, and no help from any source that has the power to help.

We hope that by continuing to raise our voices, perhaps one day the practice of stealing children, destroying families, and then destroying the children, will stop.

For now, we can only wish that everyone that has been consumed by the evil that allows them to act so heinously will have an attack of conscience, realize how much damage they’ve done to so many families, and start making amends.

Though clearly, all amends come way too late for all of the families and children that they’ve already destroyed, all in the name of the almighty dollar and of satisfying totally perverse needs.

Feel free to contact Vicki. I am sure she would love to hear from you.

Vicki Lambou 
[email protected]


So, new legal paperwork received today indicates that NOW, the very same DHR attorney who was IN Billy Jackson’s Kangaroo Court when my wife, Kathleen Raskin, (Kathey Raskin) who had LEGAL GUARDIANSHIP, was DENIED her right to even speak, and who witnessed Judge Jackson’s CLEAR DENIAL of her rights, and saw our niece being given back TO THE ONLY PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH WHO GAVE HER AWAY AND SIGNED OFF PARENTAL RIGHTS SO AS NOT TO HAVE TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT, is now claiming that the Court erred because our niece was 18 years old.

Now he KNOWS that in the event of a disability, the age becomes 19, and there are other legal issues involved, but NOW THAT HE CAN SEE that Billy Jackson, in cahoots with Denise H Burch of Burch Law Group, and others, overstepped any and all prudence, NOW he’s evidently claiming that since our niece was 18, that NOBODY should be legal guardian of our niece.

Evidently the fact that she has been on disability since she was tested many years ago and determined to have an IQ of 60 is NOW of no consequence.

I am assuming that by taking this court action, which will most probably be rubber-stamped in yet another Alabama Kangaroo Court, that our niece will be free to live on her own.

So, instead of placing her in Scope 310 to teach her life skills, which is what we wanted for her, they first put her in harm’s way, by relocating her to where she is now, and now evidently the DHR attorney is now trying to release our niece completely from any oversight at all by anyone.

It’s amazing that DHR has NEVER ONCE CONSIDERED what would have been in the BEST INTEREST OF OUR NIECE.

So, I am putting DHR and the State of Alabama on notice. We are CONTINUING TO MONITOR our niece’s welfare, and as you all continue to take action, and as the result of that action continues to cause our niece harm, EACH OF YOU WILL ANSWER FOR YOUR ACTIONS in BOTH CIVIL COURT AND CRIMINAL COURT as allowed.

And don’t be surprised if, in addition, you all get to star in the movie :-))

Until next time,

I’m Rob!

Robert Raskin, Rob Raskin



Lawless America is organizing Nationwide Filing of Criminal Charges against Corrupt Government Officials and Others. How would you like to see your judge, attorney, ex, or other evildoer indicted, arrested, convicted, and imprisoned?

This article provides a lot of information —

After we all file our charges all on the same day in May, we will start working on the next step in the Lawless America Revolution plan: putting these criminals on trial and take action to seek reparations (payment and other action) to right the wrongs we have endured.

Now, we need you to do several things if you want to participate:

1. Email [email protected] with CRIMINAL CHARGES in all caps as the subject line if you want to consider filing criminal charges. Include your name, address, and phone, as well as fax if you have one, and a link to your Facebook page. We will need your exact mailing address for some of the documentation that will be prepared. Identify the state and county or counties where crimes took place in your case.

2. Go to and click the LIKE button. This is a new Facebook page for us, and it is vital that we have everyone as a “LIKER.” If you don’t have a Facebook page, simply go to and register. Facebook is used in the promotion of this project and in the exposure of the criminals, so you need a page. You do not have to put any of your personal information on your page.

3. Go to and ask me to be a FRIEND. I will accept.

4. Go to and click LIKE. If you can, take a second and comment on the video. You need a account to do this. It’s free, and you don’t have to give any personal information. You should also go to and click on SUBSCRIBE

5. When you are logged in to Facebook, go to this page on — – Click on LIKE, and then click on each of the links in the story, and then click LIKE on each of those pages. We want Congress to see big numbers.

6. When you are logged in to Facebook, go to this page — and click to JOIN. This enables us to easily send you and everyone else an email with updates.

We’re picking up steam and momentum, so let’s all get on board and bring criminal charges against every one of these judges who have abused their position and authority!

Until next time,

I’m Rob!


Here’s how to Follow Bill Windsor as the Revolution Grows!

Lawless America

Lawless America Show with William M. Windsor – Sunday March 3, 2013 from 9-midnight Eastern Time

Just go to the website and follow the instructions.

Bill show airs almost every Sunday night, so make time in your schedule to help the cause.

More information soon!

Until then,

I’m Rob!



So much has happened since going to Washington D.C. in February. Most importantly, we confirmed that virtually everyone in D.C. is corrupt, and that there will be no action from them to change the course of the corruption in our courts.

The issues that each of us have faced in corrupt family courts in Alabama by kangaroo courts is just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout the country, in virtually every courtroom in the country, the depth of corruption is so rampant it’s almost unimaginable.

There’s no way to fix the corruption in D.C. because D.C. is simply the head of the snake. The corruption starts there, and sets the tone for the country.

The only way to bring about change is through peaceful revolution. The leader of the Revolutionary Party is Bill Windsor, a 64 year old, 40 year married Vietnam Veteran with a clean record who traveled to all 50 states in 2012 recording the stories of hundreds upon hundreds of victims of our corrupt courts.

Now, having given D.C. the opportunity to take action, and having been rebuffed, the only choice is to create a new party and elect our own, honest people who agree to sign a contract with the voters they represent to vote in our best interest or face grand jury indictment and prosecution.

The Revolutionary Party is gaining ground fast. Already, tens of thousands of us are part of a grass roots organization to find an honest candidate in each jurisdiction as an alternative to the two corrupt parties that are currently destroying our country.

Please take the time to watch this video and to explore the links. is the new revolution, and we believe that peaceful change is possible. We simply need to hire new, honest representatives instead of re-electing those who have no interest in serving our best interest.

Unfortunately, this means that there are no quick answers and no short-term justice for the victims and families of courts that have made decisions that harm the children, the parents, the grandparents, etc.

We have contacted everyone up to and including Mr. Obama, and have been rebuffed at every level. So our work is cut out for us, because based on the effort that we extended and the depth of our contacts and commitments, it is estimated the the court system on every level throughout the country is a 10-12 trillion dollar annual business, so nobody has the interest or power to change it.

But we CAN change it by creating a new party, and now is the time. The Revolutionary Party is simply a group of victims that want fair representation and for our Constitution and Bill of Rights to be respected and honored.

Here’s Bill Windsor to talk to you about what’s wrong with the Country and what the Revolutionary Party plans to do to fix it. Please join us – the future of our country depends upon how many people become part of our peaceful Revolution!

Lawless America
Bill Windsor feels corrupt judges and government officials who ignore the Constitution should be charged with TREASON


First, Happy Thanksgiving Season to everyone who has endured such horrible grief at the hands of the criminals in our government agencies who have conspired to be involved in human trafficking for profit at the expense of innocent children and their families.

At this point, we have brought numerous groups together, each with their own followings, and each with the same stories over and over and over.

What’s clear is this:

1. ASFA, law 105-89, created the window for states to receive billions of dollars in federal aid by stealing children and not giving them back to their families.

2. There is a 6-11 time higher incidence of children being abused, molested, raped and murdered once they go into the system.

3. Nobody in the government seems to care, while others are adamant about protecting the system as is due to the huge amount of money involved.

4. There’s so much corruption at this point, with money trails running so deep, that prosecuting every judge, dhr social worker, etc. would be virtually impossible.

5. As victims, our only choice is to get the best Congress that money can buy to do something conscionable about this.

We do have numerous judges, social workers and secondary workers ready to testify before Congress in January 2013 in Washington D.C.

Bill will have the video completed well in advance of our meeting with Congress.

We are working with producers to air the documentary on National Television in advance of the presentation to Congress to get National support.

And we’re doing all this, thousands of us, expending thousands of hours, and in some cases, thousands of dollars, to bring about a positive change in the law so the incentives to steal children are removed. With no financial incentive, there will be no reason to continue to destroy families for profit.

The bigger issue is that if we are successful in changing the law and stopping billions of dollars from being paid to the states, many states, already on the verge of bankruptcy, may be forced over their own financial cliffs due to a loss of the funds from this source.

What I propose is to simply change the requirement for states to receive this form of federal aid from being paid for stealing children, to being paid by achieving a required percentage of children who pass standardized tests in school from years 1-12 for math, science, english and history.

Yes, I did say “English!” The language of a country binds it together, and the last time I looked, we were STILL AMERICANS!

Thomas Jefferson once said: “A government that’s big enough to give you all that you need, is also powerful enough to take all that you have.”

After the Holidays, we will meet with Congress in D.C. and make our presentation in an attempt to change AFSA 105-89 to remove the incentives to continue to steal our children.

I haven’t even addressed the sale of those children, the pedophiles that buy them, the child porn industry including some of the most powerful people in government, or the funds that states receive based on child support arrangements, which is why often times abusive parents are allowed to still see their children. The abusers pay child support, and in some cases the state receives TWICE the amount of the child support from other federal programs.

I had a comment from more than one exasperated parent asking “why is it taking so long.” It’s taking so long because the money trail is so powerful and so corrupting, that just like a drug, people are willing to kill for it, as evidenced by Nancy Schaefer.

Federal and State investigations continue on an individual basis, with the hope to indict numerous people in 2013 and to try them for their crimes.

To all of the victims, I will keep you posted and we will work to change the law. Please check and for two additional sites, or google dhrpetitions, cpspetitions, etc to see how widespread of an issue this is throughout the country.

To all the perpetrators, WE’RE COMING FOR YOU.

Until next time,

I’m Rob Raskin, my lovely wife is Kathey Raskin, and though we didn’t ask for this fight, once we saw all the harm that’s been done to so many children and to so many families, and all of the taxpayer’s money that has been misused, we are now 100% committed, along with so many others that are fighting this fight, to effectuate a positive change in this system in 2012.

Please continue to provide information and to monitor this site for new information.



I’m talking to you: Alabama Judges, DHR workers, Guardians ad litem, and Alabama State workers of all related departments.

Why aren’t you INCENSED at how BADLY these folks make ALL OF YOU look?

You’re IN the system, so YOU know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

You KNOW that this is all about the money. You KNOW that these kids are being taken from their home in order to INCREASE the money coming in from Federal funding.

You KNOW there are no financial incentives to return a child, but GREAT financial incentives to KEEP the children.

You KNOW that DHR workers, Guardians, Judges, and DA’s often work in COLLUSION to increase the amount of children in the system at the expense of the child AND their family.

You KNOW that what they’re doing is IMMORAL, ILLEGAL, and DEVASTATING to the children and to their families.


At least admit THAT MUCH to yourself, and then MAYBE that will inspire you TO STAND UP AND TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!


But as long as you CONTINUE to ALLOW IT, you are JUST AS GUILTY as the people who are ACTUALLY COMMITTING THESE OFFENSES!

And as such, not only is Karma a bitch, but as the authorities continue to tighten the noose, you may very well end up answering as to WHY YOU TRADED YOUR VALUES AND MORALS and became a WILLING PARTICIPANT through your silence.


More Shortly.

I’m Rob!