Why the CPS Worker is More Likely to Hurt Than to Help

“My caseworker isn’t helping me.” It’s a common complaint to hear, but the reason behind it is not nearly as well understood as it needs to be, and that is why we, Robert and Kathey Raskin of Las Vegas, are here to help clarify it for you.


The Truth About Your Caseworker

The truth about your child protective services caseworker is that they may not even be qualified social workers, and their job is not to help you. Even the caseworkers who do have degrees in social work most likely began their careers with the best of intentions, but somewhere along the way they caved in to the pressures of their career, which is more about bureaucracy and winning in court than helping families. Like people in many other careers, caseworkers have quotas to make so they can bring in profits for their bosses, but unlike other careers these quotas will be paid with human lives.


Your caseworkers job is to make sure the agency they represent has a strong legal case against you, and they will lie and deceive you and misrepresent your family and your lives to get it. They may tell themselves they are helping children, but if that were true then how can they possibly even have quotas in the first place, much less strive to meet them? If there are not enough abused children in a given period to meet that quota, how are those quotas then met?


That’s what we, Robert and Kathey Raskin, are here to ask, and we’d like you to join us.

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