I may have found the TRAINING VIDEO for DHR Workers!

If this is not the link to the DHR Training video, then rest assured that this is EXACTLY WHAT IT FEELS LIKE to be a VICTIM of the system.

Fortunately, we now have Judges, DHR workers, Attorneys, both Federal and State investigators, regulatory agencies, Prosecutors and more looking in to the Corruption that is so rampant throughout our country as a result of ASFA, law 105-89, providing the unintended consequence through financial incentives of billions of dollars in federal funding to states based on how many children they steal from their families and place into the system.

As the late Senator Nancy Schaefer said prior to her MURDER:

“States have to have MERCHANDISE to sell.”

The rampant disrespect for families and children by these evil doers who are putting money ahead of children’s safety is as unconscionable an act as I can imagine.

Children are 6-11 times MORE LIKELY to be abused in Foster care than they are in their own home, and yet, without hesitation, DHR workers CONTINUE to steal children, manufacture reasons based on hearsay, convert the asset of that child into state custody, and increase the amount of aid to the state and to them in return for destroying yet another childhood and another life.

This is not to say that some children are actually safer if they are removed from a clearly unsafe environment, but children should NEVER be removed and never returned based on hearsay. Parents MUST have the right to work toward a reconciliation with the child if there is a legitimate issue. Alternate family members such as qualified grandparents must be given top priority to care for their grandchildren.

This corrupt system is disgusting to it’s core, and everyone who participates in the farce that they are “helping the children” should look into the mirror and realize how much HARM THEY ARE DOING by tearing families apart.

Here’s the link that sums up how the victims feel:


Until next time,

I’m Rob!

Evidently, Billions of Dollars is worth KILLING over…….

Check out these 2 links and then let me know your thoughts.

Senator Nancy Schaefer, CPS Activist:


Senator Nancy Schaefer – Hero, MURDERED IN HER OWN HOME:

For the record, for those of you who were involved in this murder, ask yourselves how many people you’d have to murder at this point in order to stop the avalanche of folks who are involved at this point of bringing the corrupt, criminal offenders to justice?

Fortunately, we have tens of thousands of folks now involved, including DHR workers themselves, including judges, both state and federal, including supporting cast members, and of course, including thousands of families that have been quietly torn apart throughout the US in return for Federal funds.

Every one of you who are involved in stealing children, scarring them for life and destroying their families should of course all rot in hell.

But for those of you who were involved in the murders of former Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband, one day you WILL get caught, and it will be interesting to see who was actually involved in placing the contract on these fine people who tried to stand up for the atrocities – yes, ATROCITIES, that are being perpetrated EVERY DAY on INNOCENT AMERICAN FAMILIES.

At this point, DHR’s, CPS’s, DYFS’s, and all similar organizations by any other name, should be immediately rendered ILLEGAL and outlawed due to the extensive abuse of the system. It is UNCONSCIONABLE to STEAL CHILD. to PUT THOSE CHILDREN AT RISK, and to DESTROY LIVES, for money. What the hell is the matter with you people?

When Kathey and I had our niece stolen and placed in harm’s way, we had NO IDEA that this was a 15 year old problem, involving hundreds of thousands of families. We had NO IDEA that it was a multi-billion business. We thought our niece’s case was mistreated.

Now, seeing the double murder of a CPS advocate and her husband, IT JUST PISSES US OFF TO NO END!

We’re coming after every one of you bastards, and this time there’s no stopping us. We’ve already spoken and met with Federal Judges, Federal agencies, and there’s NO WAY you can kill us ALL.

So your empire is about to come crashing down, offenders! ASFA, law 105-89, which you somehow twisted to justify the destruction of American families, is our first target. But our second target is criminal prosecutions for the abuse of authority as well as NUMEROUS other offenses.

The Civil Suit will be the BIGGEST CIVIL SUIT IN U.S. HISTORY, representing EVERY FAMILY that lost a child WITHOUT DUE PROCESS whether the child SHOULD or SHOULD NOT have been taken away from the family.

The children placed in Foster Care and/or adopted out are 6-11 times more likely to be abused than if they remained in their own homes, so you’ve accomplished NOTHING by stealing all of these children and placing them in harm’s way except to destroy families and scar children for profit.

Every one of you need to take a look at whatever children or grandchildren or great grandchildren are in your lives, and THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE DONE to all of these FAMILIES throughout the ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, using OUR TAX DOLLARS to become THE ENEMY WITHIN!


We NEVER expected to be a fight of this magnitude, BUT WE SURE DO HAVE THE BALLS FOR IT! So don’t believe murder-suicide this time!


Until Next time,

I’m Rob, and I’m MAD AS HELL!



We met Bill in person today!

Bill Windsor is the producer of the movie documentary “Lawless America.” So far Bill has interviewed over 750 people throughout the country with hard-to-believe stories just like yours and mine!

As it turns out, you wouldn’t believe how common Family Court corruption is, all throughout the country!

It’s SO bad, that in some cases, Governors actually call their DHR commissioner to tell them to increase the number of children they pick up this month because they have a budget shortfall and really need the money!

The very concept that there is a “quota” system demonstrates that the concern is 100% financial at the expense of either the children or their families, which makes every one of the folks that are knowingly stealing children for profit, EVIL TO THE CORE!

I’m reminded of the 1972 film “The Exorcist” with Linda Blair. I can’t help but wonder if it would burn if we splashed holy water on Denise Burch, Billy Jackson, Labrisco Cook, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller, Nancy Buckner, Chris Connolly, and so many more.

Our niece is still in harm’s way out of state. Judge Jackson granted a motion restoring legal custody to Denise Burch, Guardian ad litem, who is suppose to “monitor the situation” for 6 months. Yet with all that going on up there in Pa, not a word from Denise. She clearly couldn’t care less how much harm comes to our niece.

Bill’s web site is lawlessamerica.com. His movie is on corruption in our courts and judicial system throughout the country, not just Alabama. Keep an eye on his schedule and come talk to him when he gets to Alabama. The only way to stop these criminals, specifically judges, Guardians ad litem, DA, DHR workers, etc is to get to Washington DC and stop or alter the money coming to the states from the Federal Government, and to establish an agency to oversee Family Court that has the sweeping powers to prosecute for kidnapping, conversion, collusion, corruption and trafficking. Once a bunch of Judges, DA’s and Attorneys are convicted, sentenced and go to Federal prison for their crimes against humanity, I’m sure that the word will get around!

My wife and I NEVER expected to be in this fight. When I first heard from my sister in law that “DHR stole our niece” I said to my wife “I’m sure we heard her wrong.”

It turn out that this scenario plays out every day in every state in the country as they steal as many children as possible to increase their funding from the Feds.

I tell you what – I KNOW I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t be able to sleep, I wouldn’t be able to eat and I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror if I knew I took even 1 child from their family for no good reason, let alone that they were never going to get their children back or see them again.

The fact that these folks CAN steal children for a living makes them my enemy. I can’t believe how many enemies they actually have.

In fact, more than 1 DHR worker is in the film!

In California, a former Family Court Judge came forward to say that in her 40 hours of total training to be a Family Court Judge, she was trained to NEVER believe any woman who says that her husband was being abusive or her children was being molested, and it led to a death, which led her to leave the bench and to speak out about it.

It’s possible that when the Federal Government passed the law to help the states with funding, they had no idea how badly the states would abuse the system at the expense of both parents and children, destroying families and scarring parents and children for life, in order to maximize the money coming to the state. But’s that’s EXACTLY what’s happened. There is NO incentive to find the truth or to ever return the child to the family. All that matters is meeting their quota.


Well, they stole our niece, as they’ve stolen your children, and they’ve broken just about every law possible. In November, you will have your chance to tell your story, and in January, we will be meeting before a Senate Sub-Committee in Washington D.C. and presenting our case for reform.

Please feel free to comment, email us, ask questions etc. Remember – there’s strength in numbers and the only way we will win is by banding together and fighting for change!

Until next time,

I’m Rob!


Here’s my speech, which will be on National Television, in advance of testifying before a Senate sub committee in January 2013.

In addition, we already have both State and Federal investigations under way, as we work on making our choice for the Civil Rights firm who will handle the Class Action suit against the State of Alabama.

If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please do so now.

If you are one of the perpetrators of crimes against children and families in the name of justice, there is truly NO PLACE for you to hide!

Our story is one of Corruption that we believe causes the most damage of all. Ours is a story of government workers STEALING children from their families often for NO justifiable reason, terminating parental rights, often without the parents even knowing, and being approved by the Judge, even though they all KNOW that there’s NO truth to the claims to take the children away from their families.

Here’s how it works. A well-meaning Federal program on the books since 1997 provides among other things a match to the states for the money that they spend on their Foster care program to keep kids safe. I’m assuming that they were well-intentioned, but unfortunately, this program not only costs the taxpayers billions of wasted dollars, its effect is to destroy families, scarring children and parents for life.

There’s absolutely NO financial incentive for a DHR (Department of Human Resources) or a CPS (Child Protective Services) to either find the truth as to whether a child is actually in any danger, or to ever give the child back to the family once they are taken from the family.

There IS however, HUGE FINANCIAL INCENTIVE to STEAL CHILDREN FROM THEIR HOMES so they are eligible for Federal Dollars!

So, here are the 5 steps to losing your children:
1. Someone calls DHR and reports that your child may be in danger.
2. A DHR worker comes out and talks to the children privately; looking for anything they can use to claim abuse.
3. An attorney is assigned to represent the child against unsubstantiated charges of abuse.
4. The attorney brings a motion before the Court stating that the child is being abused, the parental rights should be immediately terminated and the Attorney should be appointed Guardian ad litem (temporary Guardian.)
5. The Judge GRANTS THE MOTIONS, OFTEN WITHOUT THE PARENT EVEN BEING PRESENT. The child is now in the Foster care system for the state to keep or adopt out as they so choose.

In Lauderdale County, Alabama, they STOLE our niece from our family, kept her in Foster care for a year, and then turned her over to the only person on earth in whose care she was actually abused. She is now unsafe, and the unsubstantiated allegations of abuse that led to her being taken away were not only lies, but she admitted that she lied because she was angry that she was taken away and in this case, she is mentally challenged.

Where does the MONEY go? In Alabama, there’s a program called Safety Net that houses about 200 Foster care children. In the last several years, one child was given too much medication which resulted in the child’s death. Another was put in a choke hold by a guard, resulting in the child being quadriplegic today.

And yet, the judge keeps remanding children to stay in this facility, keeping it full, with no increase in insurance premiums! Why? It seems clear to us that there are 2 obvious reasons. First, they clearly do not care about the safety of the children, or they wouldn’t keep putting children there, and two, in Pennsylvania, a judge was found guilty of getting paid in a round-about way for every child they ordered to go to specific facilities!

As we understand it, this particular facility charges $289 per night according to our research. Housing 200 children at about $300 per night is a revenue stream of $60,000 per night! This multiplies out to $21 MILLION PER YEAR to provide 200 children with a roof over their heads and food to eat.

The Federal program THEN MATCHES THIS MONEY as we understand it, so 200 children generate a $21 MILLION profit!

So let’s recap:
1. Someone calls DHR and reports that your child may be in danger.
2. A DHR worker comes out and talks to the children privately; looking for anything they can use to claim abuse.
3. An attorney is assigned to represent the child against unsubstantiated charges of abuse.
4. The attorney brings a motion before the Court stating that the child is being abused, the parental rights should be immediately terminated and the Attorney should be appointed Guardian ad litem (temporary Guardian.)
5. The Judge GRANTS THE MOTIONS, OFTEN WITHOUT THE PARENT EVEN BEING PRESENT. The child is now in the Foster care system for the state to keep or adopt out as they so choose.


If you’re the parent or legal guardian whose rights have been terminated by a Judge, you’ve lost your children FOREVER. In addition, DHR’s often look to break the bond between parents and their children by either moving the children hours away to make it nearly impossible to see them or by telling the children that their families do not want to talk to them anymore.

The state meanwhile converted this child to an ASSET FOR THE STATE. The Guardian ad litem is earning his/her fees, the state is earning it’s fees, the suspicion is that EVERYONE gets a piece of the pie, and there is ABSOLUTELY NO REGARD for either the VALIDITY of the circumstances,  whether or not there’s any ACTUAL abuse, OR, whether the abuse was such that the parental rights need to be terminated, as opposed to going through some type of counseling and then reuniting the family.


It doesn’t even matter if the child is put somewhere safe! Children are often taken out of safe environments and put into situations where they are much more apt to be abused! In fact, in one study, children in foster care were 6-7 times more likely to be molested than when they were at home with their families.

The entire system shows the worst of humanity – people who under the guise of good, doing nothing but evil, all for the almighty dollar. People with no conscience – DHR social workers, attorneys posing as do-gooders when they directly benefit when the judge terminates the parental rights, district attorneys who know exactly what’s going on but turn a blind eye, and finally, the judges: they are supposed to be the last line of defense to make sure that this type of obvious abuse of the system does not happen!

And yet, knowing that there has been no thorough investigation, knowing that often times the charges against the parents are based on hearsay, and knowing that often times the parents are not given any right to defend themselves, the judges rule in favor of the almighty dollar and against the mental, physical and emotional harm of both the child and the family.

These people, especially and specifically the judges, are the biggest offenders in the nation! They’re abusing both the children and their families every day, in the most heinous way possible. They are DESTROYING FAMILIES and they are SCARRING THE CHILDREN FOR LIFE!

The Judges are also clearly abusing the intent of the law, and they are often part of the income stream in a system gone totally amok!

They need to be stopped with legislation that does 2 things:

1. Create a Federal watchdog agency that receives complaints, reviews judicial conduct, and has the authority to indict, prosecute, convict and sentence Judges to prison using the same statutes that apply to kidnapping, human trafficking, conversion, and corruption.

2. Stop the financial aid to the states until a better system can be established. This will create URGENCY to create a better system with checks and balances.





Keep your stories and signatures coming. There’s STRENGTH in numbers!!

Until next time,

I’m ROB!


So, the good-ole-boy network continues to misapply the law, lie through their teeth, and try to do everything in their power to manipulate, deceive and intimidate everyone in their path!

The only problem is, they’re getting weaker because they know how wrong they are.

They know that once a Federal Prosecutor sinks their teeth into this case, they’re through.

They know they’re facing potential prison time.

And yet, they try to hold on, heaping more and more abuse of authority, threats, lies and intimidation onto the pile.

They have no idea how many people are against them.

And they have no idea that every movement is being well-documented.

We have people from all walks of life, who will testify when asked.

And yet, they continue to embarrass themselves by doing everything from putting innocent folks in jail, to assigning kids to a facility that’s already had 1 death and another permanent injury.

I think they think that they’re so smart, they can get away with their small, petty, arrogant behavior.

I believe that folks in Jackson County thought the very same thing until that April 17 meeting this year.

According to a recent post on exposingtherecord.org, a Federal Judge ruled that Families in Illinois were denied their rights under the Constitution simply because the parents had the right to know approximately how long the separation from their children would be for.

In Lauderdale County, this type of Federal law violation is just the tip of the iceberg!

We’ve now asked the Governor to step in and take this good-ole-boy network apart, ahead of any Federal Indictments. It would probably be a good career move for the Governor to distance himself from these liars who are destroying families by making up accusations or acting on hearsay and stealing their children.

My niece is now almost 100 lbs heavier than she was when they stole her because she hoards food and is compulsive. With nobody giving her the care that she was receiving with her Aunt, she is certain to develop diabetes and to then unsuccessfully manage the disease.

In addition to giving her back to the only people on earth who abused her, without proper investigation, they are now allowing her weight to spiral out of control, with no monitoring of any kind.

It is amazing that these folks haven’t been stopped before this, but now that all of the agencies have been alerted, the noose should start to tighten.

Perhaps instead of putting innocent people in jail, taking their pets and trying to make an example out of them, their time would be more wisely spent looking inside themselves and realizing that each of them are feeding off the other, all the while trying to justify that they are anything but evil.

It’s been over a year since you all in effect sentenced my niece to death, and we want her out of that house and into a program that can help her – TODAY.

Keep your stories coming…..we’ll be on Television soon and then we’ll be testifying before a Senate Sub-Committee – these folks, specifically Judge Billy Jackson, DA Chris Connolly, Labrisco Cook, Sara Hendershot, all under Nancy Buckner, but NOT limited to these 5 – will be “outed” and will be stopped, eventually, from continuing to abuse the system, scar the children, destroy their families, and destroy their childhoods.

Until next time,

I’m Rob!

Bullies – Pushing Public Corruption to New Limits!

You know, I was thinking. When the “horrible 5” – Denise Burch, Labrisco Cook, Billy Jackson, Sara Hendershot and Chris Connolly, go home tonight, I wonder what would happen if they said to their spouse, or to their children:

Today I had a little old lady arrested because I am so small, and so petty, that I get a mild level of satisfaction over taking advantage of the sick, the meek, the poor and the elderly. Would their spouses or their children be proud of them?

I wonder if someone were to stand up in their respective churches on Sunday, and say: “This is what Denise did,” or “This is how Billy Jackson ruled,” I wonder if the congregation would look highly upon them, or wonder where they went so wrong.

I think that they think that they can do whatever they want with no repercussions. But I’ve learned in life that there are 3 universal truths:

1. What you put out in life is what you get back.
2. The truth always comes through, and
3. The cream always rises to the top.

Well “H-5” your day is coming. Everyone will know how you have conducted yourselves, how you are conducting yourselves now, and there will be judgement for your actions.

Just know that as my grandfather used to say: “People scratch their behinds and think nobody sees.” I assure you, we are watching, we see clearly, and we’re taking notes. So keep on acting corrupt, outrageous, unreasonable and downright mean. The documentation of each of these events simply shows how small each of you truly are.



Courier Journal wimps out……won’t run our ad!

Tom over at the Courier Journal won’t run our ad any more. He says it’s starting to feel like a “vendetta.”

Asking others if they’ve had what they feel is unfair treatment that resulted in the loss of their child, or their parental rights, is an HONORABLE endeavor. After all, if a child is taken without just cause, and if parental rights are terminated without just cause, and if nobody speaks up and says “ENOUGH!” then why would anyone ever expect the practice to stop?

For those who have had a child taken with no just cause, who now cannot see their child and/or have been swindled somehow out of their parental rights so the child is gone from their lives, the loss is mourned every single day just as if they were kidnapped, or in the case of lost parental rights, as if  they’re gone forever.

The monsters that take these children just so they can benefit, at the expense of the child and their family, should be ashamed of themselves. But to not run the ad because it “feels like a vendetta?” REALLY?

Why not just say: “I was walking down the street, and the weirdest thing happened. I LOST MY BALLS!”

So chalk one up for the “Good Ole Boys” network. They stopped an ad from running.  Wowie! BIG victory! Like there’s no other way to get our point across in Croney-ville.

We’re well organized, well funded, and your feeble attempts to slow us down are comical. In my humble opinion, your time would be better served finding a good criminal lawyer, but hey, what do I know. You keep trying to stop our ad as if that’s going to help you somehow.

DHR Labrisco Cook, Guardian ad litem Denise H Burch, Judge Billy Jackson, DHR Supervisor Sara Hendershot, and Commissioner Nancy Bruckner, together, collectively, You STOLE OUR NIECE, and we WANT HER BACK, ALONG WITH AN APOLOGY and the REINSTATEMENT OF THE GUARDIANSHIP RIGHTS THAT YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE AWAY!!!


We’re stepping it up a notch or 2:

Since our niece was never returned to us, since there’s been no apology for trampling our rights or for putting our niece in harm’s way, we’re finding out some interesting things that would be better off left unsaid at the moment.

Suffice to say however, that we’ve heard each of your heartfelt stories, and those with eyes can clearly see the pattern: Manufacture a reason, take custody of the child, put the child into the system, everybody makes money.

I know it’s hard to have patience when your heart hurts every day, but this a marathon, not a sprint, and not a day goes by without some work being done to bring those who steal children with no just cause, who stand to profit at the expense of innocent families, to justice.

We never able to have a conversation with the governor or the commissioner or the director of DHR, after being mistreated in every way possible.

So, since the good-ole-boy network closed ranks, after stealing our niece and sending her away, we will continue to fight for justice, and as we are able, we will gladly keep you informed of our progress.

But don’t think for a second that these bastards will get away with stealing children forever, and don’t think for a second that they won’t have to answer for the manner in which they conduct themselves.

Until next time,

I’m Rob!


When you’ve done so much wrong for so long of a time, there comes a time when you make the realization that you’re way past the point of no return. And that’s where the offenders should be. When asked, what will their answers be for taking children with no just cause? For leading the parents on a wild goose chase only to never return their children to them? For coercing people into signing away their parental rights while being verbally told that they can apply to get them back later? For moving their children many hours away to make it difficult to impossible to see them? From continually changing the requirements to get their children back, making it ultimately impossible? To not allowing anyone in the family to take custody of the children? To manipulate the children into thinking that their parents don’t want them anymore?

What’s gonna be their answer when they are under investigation, under oath, for thousands of children over many, many years? And what of the Court? What is the Court’s answer going to be? The Court is suppose to be fair and impartial. The Court is suppose to be part of the SOLUTION, not part of the problem. What is the Court’s answer going to be when asked why they made unilateral decisions based on hearsay only? Why they didn’t give the parental side the courtesy, the respect of being heard? Why was the Court so quick to make decisions that negatively impacted so many? What’s their answer going to be? Here’s my guess. My guess is that there will be NO answer. They’ll probably take the 5th so as not to incriminate themselves.

They get up each morning and go to work as if it’s a brand new day, not realizing that their world as they know it has already begun to cave. I’ve heard so many of you complain about how hearbroken you are that your children have been taken from you, as has our niece, and I want you to know that the spotlight is about to be turned on, and the rats will be scurrying for cover.

For what they have done for these last 10 years or so, which is to literally steal children from their homes, scar them for life, and destroy so many honest families, for the almighty dollar, is unconscionable. And yet, every day for all these years, they schemed and plotted and colluded and thought they were oh-so-smart. Well, everyone who eventually gets caught thinks they were so smart, so powerful, so above the law, that they won’t ever get brought to justice. Remember the role that Jack Nicholson played in a few good men? At the end, Tom Cruise GOT HIM, didn’t he?

Well, in our niece’s case, my wife Kathey and her attorney gave DHR Labrisco Cook, GAL Denise Burch, and Judge Billy Jackson every possible opportunity to correct their errors. In fact, we filed motion after motion after motion after motion. And yet, through sheer arrogance, they all stuck together like little thieves smiling at how much power they had. Well let’s watch and see how much longer they’ll all be smiling, because Judgement Day is coming, and I’m thinking that they have no answer for the questions that they’re going to be asked, on behalf of every innocent family that has had a child ripped from them with no just cause and never returned. Stay tune – and sleep well knowing that the noose is slowing starting to tighten – and they have no idea…….yet. But they will…..


You know, I just verified that Alabama really is one of the 50 States that comprise the United States. I thought I’d double check, because I’ve been watching the most out of control system I have EVER seen! It AMAZES me that DHR, the Guardians ad litem, and the Family Court Judges, have such an incredibly blatant disregard for CIVIL RIGHTS, but even MORE importantly, for COMMON DECENCY!

If you read through the 50 or so complaints on this site, which is up about a month as of this blog entry, you see the same or similar stories from unrelated people. Over and over the theme is that they’ve been in effect, kidnapping/stealing children in a variety of ways including listening to hearsay, making things up, intimidation, and flat-out lies.

The bottom line is that they often rip the children from their homes, often with no legitimate reason, and then they work on keeping the children, moving them far away from their parents/guardians, denying them the right to see the children, and ultimately adopting the children out. It’s the same complaint, over and over and over, and we have amassed HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of complaints thus far.

We want you to know that we hear your cries for help, and we want you to know that we are taking every possible aggressive legal action to bring the offenders to justice.

In our case, not only did we lose our niece, but our niece lost contact with her sister, her Aunts, uncles, cousins and everyone she’s known for the last 10 years.

I don’t know how the people that are responsible for this atrocity can sleep nights. I assume that they are not good, church-going people. If they are, then they have an awful lot to learn.

It is my hope that one day, the offenders are incarcerated for all of the harm that they have caused to the children and their families, and that the State of Alabama pay dearly for their arrogance.

When we started out, we contacted everyone we could from DHR to Governor Robert Bentley to say that changes need to be made and cases including ours need to be looked into.

It all fell on deaf ears. The good-ole-boy network wouldn’t hear of it.

Well, you all hang in there because I’ve made it my mission to see to it that the proper authorities review what’s occurred and take the necessary corrective action.

And as a final note, Denise, Billy, Labrisco, Sara, and Nancy, if you’re reading this: The First Amendment applies to people living in Alabama just like in the other 49 states. You can’t steal our children and then tell us to shut up! IT WON’T WORK! WE’RE NOT SHUTTING UP ANY MORE! STOP STEALING OUR CHILDREN!