You know, I just verified that Alabama really is one of the 50 States that comprise the United States. I thought I’d double check, because I’ve been watching the most out of control system I have EVER seen! It AMAZES me that DHR, the Guardians ad litem, and the Family Court Judges, have such an incredibly blatant disregard for CIVIL RIGHTS, but even MORE importantly, for COMMON DECENCY!

If you read through the 50 or so complaints on this site, which is up about a month as of this blog entry, you see the same or similar stories from unrelated people. Over and over the theme is that they’ve been in effect, kidnapping/stealing children in a variety of ways including listening to hearsay, making things up, intimidation, and flat-out lies.

The bottom line is that they often rip the children from their homes, often with no legitimate reason, and then they work on keeping the children, moving them far away from their parents/guardians, denying them the right to see the children, and ultimately adopting the children out. It’s the same complaint, over and over and over, and we have amassed HUNDREDS upon HUNDREDS of complaints thus far.

We want you to know that we hear your cries for help, and we want you to know that we are taking every possible aggressive legal action to bring the offenders to justice.

In our case, not only did we lose our niece, but our niece lost contact with her sister, her Aunts, uncles, cousins and everyone she’s known for the last 10 years.

I don’t know how the people that are responsible for this atrocity can sleep nights. I assume that they are not good, church-going people. If they are, then they have an awful lot to learn.

It is my hope that one day, the offenders are incarcerated for all of the harm that they have caused to the children and their families, and that the State of Alabama pay dearly for their arrogance.

When we started out, we contacted everyone we could from DHR to Governor Robert Bentley to say that changes need to be made and cases including ours need to be looked into.

It all fell on deaf ears. The good-ole-boy network wouldn’t hear of it.

Well, you all hang in there because I’ve made it my mission to see to it that the proper authorities review what’s occurred and take the necessary corrective action.

And as a final note, Denise, Billy, Labrisco, Sara, and Nancy, if you’re reading this: The First Amendment applies to people living in Alabama just like in the other 49 states. You can’t steal our children and then tell us to shut up! IT WON’T WORK! WE’RE NOT SHUTTING UP ANY MORE! STOP STEALING OUR CHILDREN!

Violation of Numerous Laws may lead to Investigation, Indictments!

Helpful Laws Courtesy of Alfra.org

On June 10, 2011, the Supreme Court of Alabama issued an opinion in Ex parte E.R.G. and D.W.G. that quotes the Supreme Court of the United States, that it is clear the U.S. Constitution, “requires that a prior and independent finding of parental unfitness – by clear and convincing evidence – must be made before the court may proceed to the question of whether an order disturbing and limiting a parent’s ‘care, custody, and control’ of his or her child is in that child’s best interests.”

The E.R.G. Court also quotes a long line of law, including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s dissent in Troxel v. Granville that, “recognizes that the right of parents to make decisions regarding a child’s care, control, education, health, and religion, as well as with whom the child will associate, is a fundamental right that arises “as an inherent consequence of the parent-child relationship independent of any case law, statute, or constitutional provision.”

The Troxel Court said, “The Due Process Clause – of the U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment – does not permit a State (judge) to infringe on the fundamental right of parents to make child rearing decisions simply because a state judge believes a “better” decision could be made.”

Those who violate the sanctity of family must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears – Shakespeare

DHR and Family Court have gone unchecked, in effect stealing children and wrecking homes for FAR TOO LONG!

Let’s band together and show our full support as we make our case to the US Attorney, the FBI and the ACLU. This is a HUGE CASE because it involves THOUSANDS of families whose rights have been ignored and whose lives have been destroyed!