A former family court judge in California is speaking out against a system that is “not about justice, but all about dollars.”

Former Family Court Judge Denise Salcedo said she was trained to ignore allegations of sexual abuse and domestic violence, which led her to make a decision to award custody of a 5-year old girl to her father, who continued to sexually abuse her and subsequently, 2 of her friends, until he was finally caught and convicted.

Judges would routinely get together in a judges meeting and accuse the moms who bring up allegations of sexual abuse or domestic violence as either “she was just having a bad day” or “she must be on her period” according to the former family court judge.

This happens all throughout the country. By some estimates, the Family Court Circus is a $25 BILLION a year industry, and realistically, it’s probably incredibly more than that when taking the income generated from prostitution and child pornography.

Though this is happening every day throughout the country, and throughout the world, our beef continues to be against those who conspired to steal our niece and to put her in harm’s way.

We will NEVER forgive or forget the illegal theft of our niece by Judge Billy Jackson of the Florence Alabama Family Court, Lauderdale County Family Court, of Denise Burch, representing Denise Burch Law, who is a Guardian ad litem, meaning she benefits financially by taking the child away from the parent so when she goes to court, she does so with a FINANCIAL INCENTIVE to destroy a family! So if you’re sitting near her in Church, ask her if she feels that she has a rewarding job, and listen to the B.S. that comes out of her mouth.

Other bit actors in the Family Court farce include Labrisca Cook, Nancy Buckner, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller and Chris Connelly, just to name a few.

Every one of these people should be serving life sentences for kidnapping and for conspiracy to commit crimes against nature. Every one of these folks know exactly what they are doing, which is to conspire to steal children from their homes for profit, place them in foster care and eventually sell them to the highest bidder even though THEY KNOW that the chances of these kids being abused is 5-9 times MORE LIKELY after being taken away from their homes, depending on which source is cited.

Parents are routinely lied to, paperwork is often misrepped, especially to poor parents or those with limited education, and meetings are often conducted “ex-partee” meaning behind the parent’s back and often without their knowledge. The conspiring thieves, such as Judge Billy Jackson, Denise Burch law, Chris Connelly, Labrisca Cook, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller and Nancy Buckner huddle together in the sanctity of the Lauderdale County Family Court (a.k.a. Kangaroo Court) and decide to terminate parental rights and take a child away from their family, never to be seen again.

PET SHOULD NOT BE TREATED THIS WAY, LET ALONE CHILDREN!!!!!! But as ex-Family Court Judge Denise Salcedo said, “it’s not about Justice. It’s all about the money.”

The fact is that the State of Alabama earns more money by taking a child away from their family then by working out a reconciliation plan or by awarding the child to a family member. Judge Billy Jackson, Denise Burch law, Chris Connelly, Labrisca Cook, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller and Nancy Buckner know that often times the family is NEVER EVEN ASKED if they want the child, because the MONETARY GOAL is to steal the child and put them in the system.

As the late, great Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer, who was allegedly MURDERED trying to bring this topic to light, once said: “Children are taken because states need the inventory.” Think about that for a second. It’s no different that a supermarket stocking their shelves with items for sale, except that the DHR’s, the FAMILY COURTS, the GAL’s, and the JUDGES all play act this farce that they’re looking out for children while actually stealing them from their families for profit because “they need the inventory!”

Senator Schaefer also said that “poor families are targeted because they have limited education and limited means to defend themselves.”

This happens every day in every state in America, and in many countries throughout the world. Stealing our children with no due process is, from a financial perspective, a HUGE BUSINESS that has ABSOLUTELY NO REGARD for the SAFETY OR WELL BEING of the CHILDREN they are sworn to protect.

There are multiple you-tube videos from ex-Judge Denise Salcedo, who we admire for standing up against the system. We wish her well and we hope that one day, people with a conscience will outnumber those without a conscience, such as Judge Billy Jackson, Denise Burch law, Chris Connelly, Labrisca Cook, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller and Nancy Buckner, and that changes will be made to protect our children and stop destroying families.

In the meantime, please see other posts on this sight regarding how to file criminal charges against your judge – YEP – IT’S COMING BILLY – and how to file a Civil Suit against your offenders, county, city and state such as the $20 MILLION SUIT filed by the Reale Family and so many others that are pending throughout the country – YEP – THAT’S COMING TOO, Judge Billy Jackson, Denise Burch law, Chris Connelly, Labrisca Cook, Sara Hendershot, Patricia Miller and Nancy Buckner!!

You folks drew first blood by stealing our niece. Then we learned how many times you folks committed these crimes against other children and against other families.

May there be life sentences and financial ruin in each of your futures……….

Until next time………..

I’m Rob!


  1. We had the same thing happening to us in Burke County NC. Our oldest son completed his program in the group home, but the court order says he can not reside back in the home with his youngest brother. We have to find and pay neighbors and friends for him to stay with even though we would love him back with us. Judge Gary Dellinger, Social Worker Joanne Carrico made this order. Someone needs to make them acountable

    • Unfortunately the system is so corrupt that there are no easy answers. We never saw our niece again after DHR Alabama stole her. The problem is that many of the attorneys are just part of the problem, so it’s hard to know who to have to represent you.

      There is a site that was started by a former family court judge who has a link that allows for posting to look for an attorney to help. Here’s the link:

      I wish we could be more help, but this is a country-wide problem, and actually a world-wide problem, and children are being taken every single day with no accountability. We’ve been to Congress where we put a DVD in every Congressman and Senator’s hand documenting tons of Family Court abuse and mistreatment of families and of children. The result? Not ONE Senator or Congressman ever even acknowledged receiving it.

      Nancy Schaefer was a Georgia State Senator who made it her life goal to bring change to the way DHR and Family Courts throughout the country treated children and families and she was murdered in her home along with her husband for her efforts. There’s just too much money being made as a result of the stealing of the children to be able to turn it around. It’s money that the states rely upon, and need for their budgets. So there’s no way they’re going to change it. In fact, they’re rather kill for it.

      I wish I had better news. Perhaps you can find an “outside” attorney who will be willing to fight for you and your children. We wish you all the best and we hope it turns out well for you and yours.

  2. This is happening all over the country. I think it is time to collect the numbers and UNITE. there seem to be a lot small, groups. A house divided against itself cannot stand. It is going to take all of us Uniting to show these are not isolated incidents. this is happening to rich, poor, white black, all races and socioeconomic levels. We need to organize a day across this country to protest in every state at every supreme court house or state capital and demand the people we have put in office do something benificial. We are not angry, bitter, exes, as they have portrayed us. We are busy working, raising our kids and trying to fight. they simply wear us down until we sound like crazy people when we tell our story. If we unite the numbers will support that all of us cannot be bitter, crazy, money hungry exes. if you think that this does not affect you I will leave you with this
    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    Because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me–and there was no one left to speak for me
    my contact info is

  3. Judge Billy Jackson is a horrible Judge and a horrible human being! He is so crooked and does look out for the nest interest of the child! He has hurt more families than any other Judge in Lauderdale County. He currently has taken a 12 yr old little girl away from her stable home and life and placed her in a VERY unstable abusive home! while he continues to go to church and sleep well at night.. he is the Devil.

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